I am totally surprised when I read this comment. I thank Mina from Mina's Bookshelf for nominating me and thinking about my blog when she chose her nominees. I have been blogging for three years and have met amazing people through blogs.
The Liebster Award is for blogs that have less than 200 follows and need that little boost in support and attention that they deserve.
1. Link back the blogger that tagged you
2. Nominate 10 others and answer the questions of the one who tagged you
3. Ask 10 questions for the bloggers you nominate
4. Let your nominees know of their award
Mina Asked me some questions that I would gladly answer
1. Best books you've read this year?
My top two books for this year would have to be Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik and Losing It by Cora Carmack.
2. Upcoming releases you anticipate the most?
At the current moment I dont have any books that I'm waiting for. Instead I'm looking for new books to read.
3. Favourite Authors?
Wow this could be a long list, I have so many authors that I love based on their writiing style and ability to come up with stories and adventures that have never been done before. Some of my top authors would have to be EB White, Rachel Vincent, Suzanne Collins, Clair LaZebnik, Kody Keplinger, Sophie Kinsella, Cassandra Clare, Ronald Dahl and last but not least Dr. Seuss .
4. Is fan fiction something you consider as a reader or a writer?
I like being a bit of both. I think just like other fan of books that they have great ideas of what adventures and twists characters can get into. the Ability to be creative and the freedom of speech is a powerful tool we all have. I also like the read others ideas, I like to emerse myself and support other fans as well. I love read fan fiction online. Because sometimes the book is too short.
5. Would you like to write a sequel for a book you loved?
I would like to help give ideas and contribute for a sequel but I wouldn't want to write a book only because I'm so busy.
6.Is there a author you would like to meet?
I would loveto meet Dr Seuss. He was such a big part of my childhood and his books where the first I every picked up when I was learning how to read.
7. What would you ask him or her?
I would ask him how he comes up with all his funky characters and ideas. There unlike anything any author has every come up with. The ability to rhyme and teach a lesson is amazing.
8.Favorite reading nook?
I love to either read in my bed with a cup of tea when its raining outside, on my porch or in the middle of the ravine close to my house.
9. Book or E-reader?
I prefer a hardcover book but lately I've been enjoying using eBooks and reading them on my iPhone as i travel on the crowded buses.
10. Which novel would you like to see on the big screen and who would you cast as the lead roles?
Lots of my favorite books have already been up on the big screen but two books i think would be great to see would be Shut out by Kody Keplinger or Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik. Both have a cute love story which would be a fun chick flick like Cinderella Story and Mean Girls mixed together. I would pick either actors from my fav shows like Pretty little liars, vampire diaries or teen wolf as the main cast. There are no many choices it would be hard to narrow it down.
Bloggers I Nominate are:
Posh Yla - ... coz even pretty girls need to read
Tiffany - "perfectly" inked
Book Contest Directory - http://bookcontestdirectory.blogspot.ca/
Rumour Has It - http://rumorhasitummhmm.blogspot.ca/
Kayla - Kaylas Book reviews
read my breath away
A beautiful madness
A Bookoholic Complex
All Things Young Adult
H.K. - A solitary passion
Your 10 Questions:
1. Whats your favourite book of the year?
2. If you could be an author which series of books would you have liked to write?
3. Whats the fastest amount of time you've taken to read a book and what book was it?
4. Favourite place to read?
5. What do you think about books that are turned into movies?
6. Do you like to read fan fiction?
7. What author would you like to meet?
8. When did you start your blog? And why?
9. Apart from reading what else are your hobbies?
10. Besides blogger, what other social media sites are you on?
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